4 Ways Swimming Can Be Beneficial for Older Adults
Exercising and staying active is an important part of maintaining your physical and mental health as you age. At the same time, exercising is often easier said than done as you get older. Limited mobility and ongoing health issues can make it very difficult to do most exercises, and your options can become very limited.
Swimming is one of the best options for seniors who want to stay active. Swimming is a low-impact activity that can improve your health and elevate your mood. Learn more about the benefits of swimming for older adults here:
1. Improved Cardiovascular Health
A major benefit of swimming is its impact on your heart health. Many people are under the assumption that high-impact, strenuous exercise is the best way to improve your heart health, but this isn’t the case. Even slower-paced, low-impact exercises can get your heart pumping faster. This leads to increased heart strength and better heart function overall.
2. Lower Cholesterol
One of the other significant benefits of swimming is lower cholesterol. Many seniors struggle with high cholesterol due to genetics, poor eating habits, and sedentary lifestyles. High cholesterol puts adults in senior living at an increased risk of heart attack, blood clots, and stroke. Fortunately, exercises like swimming can help lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of these serious health concerns.
3. Socialization
Another benefit of swimming that may not occur to some people is the socialization aspect. Going to a shared pool gives older adults an opportunity to socialize with their peers. This is a very important benefit, as many residents of senior living facilities struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Swimming in a public pool or other shared space allows them to communicate with others over a common interest or activity.
4. Strengthens Bones
A serious problem that comes with aging is the weakening of your bones, leading to an increased risk of bone breakage. Swimming can be a great way to strengthen your bones over time and decrease your odds of having an injury. To maximize the bone-strengthening benefits of swimming, you should follow a diet that is high in calcium and vitamin D.
Exercises for Adults in Senior Living
Getting older can make exercising harder, but it shouldn’t make it impossible. There are several different exercises that seniors can do to stay in shape and remain healthy, including swimming.
Swimming is one of the best ways to get exercise, and it provides a variety of different benefits. From better heart health to increased flexibility, taking a few laps around the pool is a great way for seniors to lead an active lifestyle well into their golden years.